Marketing Innovation for Sustainable Health Development (MISHD) project

Shimantik Started Implementing USAID Marketing Innovations for Sustainable Health Development Project in Sylhet and Chattagram division with the support of Social Marketing Company (SMC) and USAID from November 2016 and will continue to July 2021. Previously it was known as the Marketing Innovation for Health during 2012-2016. The project goal is to contribute to sustained improvements in the health status of women, children, and families in Bangladesh by increasing access to and demand for essential health products and services, using social marketing tools and concepts through the private sector. As a community mobilization partner of MISHD project, Shimantik will undertake the following activities to achieve its goal and objectives:

Marketing Innovation for Sustainable Health Development (MISHD) project

1. Engage Community Sales Agents (CSA) activities to expand their reach with products and project messages-
a. Selection and Orientation and follow-up of CSA in new intervention area;
b. Follow-up activity of CSA in old intervention area;

2. Group Meeting with MWRA (Married Women Reproductive Age); 3.Group meeting with Caregiver of under five Children; 4. Advocacy with School Girls and Boys (Adolescent aged); 5. Meetings with School Management Committee; 6. Attend Health and FP Coordination meeting in Upazila and District level; 7. IPC with Newly Wed Couples; 8.Marriage registers orientation; 9.Special Day Observation; 10. Mobile Film Program; 11. Advocacy Meetings with community influencer; 12. Mass motivational campaign to reach male participants; 13.Folk Song on Health and FP;