Shimantik is looking a number of skilled/experienced professionals for Urban Primary Health Care Service Delivery Project - II (UPHCSDP-II) at Dhaka (DSCC PA-1, DSCC PA-5), Sylhet (SCC PA-1) and Barishal (BCC PA-1) City Corporation Area.
Provide selected components of ESD+ care as specified by the service delivery protocol. Conduct procedures as specified including selected family planning services and MR.
Refer clients to designated centre for any complications/high risk pregnancy/advance diseases as per guidelines specified in the referral system protocol.
Promote breast feeding, postpartum contractive use, correct health seeking behavior, proper nutritional practices, good personal hygiene etc. through group consulting
and individual counseling. Administer ESD service specified for outreach level.
Dhaka, Sylhet & Barishal
18 months paramedic course